Dear Readers,
I usually reserve this space for talking about the Oldest Living Things themselves, and for my related travel (mis)adventures, but I have so much good news to share about the project I wanted to keep you updated!
Success! A heartfelt thanks to everyone who donated artwork, services, encouragement and pledged their support to my work!

I'm humbled and honored to announce that I've been invited to speak about my work at TEDGlobal next month in Oxford, UK. If you haven't heard any TED talks yet, explore their site. You're sure to come away inspired.

Check out the WSJ for an article entitled "Earth's Real Senior Citizens," written by Julie Steinberg, who came out to my studio for an interview last week.

I'm thrilled to announce that I've been nominated for the Prix Pictet for the second year in a row. This year I was nominated by Elie Domit, Director of the Dubai-based gallery The Empty Quarter. Elie has also invited me to exhibit in the gallery in 2011.

Ian Sample, science correspondent for the Guardian wrote a wonderful profile on my project last month, which ran in The Observer along with a two-page spread of my images.

A little later in the year I'll be giving a talk at The Long Now Foundation as part of their series of seminars on long term thinking in November (Details TBA.) In the mean time, check out their brilliant 10,000-year clock.

Weren't able to see my GEL talk in person? It's now available online on the GEL site. While you're there check out great talks by Sal Khan, Randy Garutti, Rob Kapilow and others. Thinking about attending GEL 2011? I highly recommend it.